
Saigon House

a21studĩo | 16. 12月 2015
Photo: Quang Tran

Moreover, he also has a deep knowledge of southern Vietnam and wrote many books about Saigon.

Photo: Quang Tran

At the end of his life, he would like to dedicate his house as a museum in order to prevent the antiques from stolen and introduce Saigon culture to visitors. However, after his death, the house has been abandoned, and the spirit was totally lost. We've recognized that although being respected and successful in his works, he failed in passing his love to his family. Therefore, they do not respect their childhood.

Photo: Quang Tran

The owner of Saigon house is the one who loves Saigon, and she hates living in a Western houses, which have become popular in our city. She wants the house as a gathering place for her brothers and sisters, those who used to live in the same roof and a meeting place for grandparents and their kids. Moreover, inspired by the Van Duong Phu story, she would like this house to be the place where she can share her memories about the furniture, the stuffs that she collected to the kids so that they know how to cherish the place where they grow up. Therefore, the kids are the main factors that we aimed to, we would like to make a strong Saigon characteristic place so that they can be familiar with this place and the adult, as the activator, throughout the stories, to help raising the love in kids.

Photo: Quang Tran

Saigon is used to being familiar with slope roofs, courtyards and flowering balconies. Moreover, it is also well known with alleys that is full with coloring blocks in rich materials. This is not only the place for communication but also a playground for kids. These are chaotic but deep in culture.

Photo: Quang Tran

Saigon house is also appeared with coloring blocks floating in common area and all are covered by steel frame that later grown by plants. Especially, the spaces are small enough for them to do their private activities, otherwise, they easily get attracted by the sounds, images from outside and get out, connect to others.

Photo: Quang Tran

And the common area is working as an alley, where family members are interacting and building their relationships, where all they can experience the changing in a days, changing in seasons. Those are very rare in the modern society, which is lack of love, communication and nature.

Photo: Quang Tran

Furthermore, the house is taken shaped by the furniture, stuffs collected by the architect and owner. Most of them are from demolished houses in Saigon. Besides the beauty of old things, we also found the spirits of the second-hand stuffs, those which have their own stories and reasons to reborn in the places where they need them most. And these are being carried to the kids throughout the stories, activities in the house to know house to cherish their house more.

Photo: Quang Tran

The loss of Van Duong Phu is not the only loss of Saigon. It can happen to anyone, anywhere and at anytime, the lost of old good things that we tried to save for our children. As designers, we would like to use our architecture, the house in this case, so material and spirit value can be maintained by loves of the ones who live in it.

Photo: Quang Tran
Photo: Quang Tran
Isometric (Drawing: a21studio)
Model (Photo: Quang Tran)
