Solar shading: the energy miracle #8

© Griesser

If keeping buildings heated has traditionally tended to make the greatest energy demands, keeping them adequately protected against the summer heat is also growing rapidly in importance as climates continue to warm. Smart control systems and sophisticated mechanical equipment can provide and maintain a healthy and pleasant indoor climate with minimal cooling energy. And advanced solar shading systems are an effective and inexpensive way to both prevent overheating in summer and maximize passive heat gains in the winter months.

In our “Solar shading: the energy miracle” publication project, we discuss both sophisticated smart home solutions and low-tech solar shading concepts that make optimum use of simple physical principles. We spotlight high-quality architectural projects that have placed solar shading and responsible energy use firmly centerstage. We examine the ecological footprints of various solar shading products. And we consult leading experts in the field on these vital environmental issues.

“Solar shading: the energy miracle” is a collaborative project of Griesser and World-Architects.

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