写真 © Eduardo Eckenfels
写真 © Louise Ganz
写真 © Eduardo Eckenfels
写真 © Eduardo Eckenfels
写真 © Bruno Magalhaes
写真 © Bruno Magalhaes
写真 © Carlos M Teixeira
ビジュアリゼーション © Vazio S/A
ビジュアリゼーション © Vazio S/A

Topographical Amnesias II

Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Carlos M Teixeira, Louise Ganz

The play Nomads, by theater company Armatrux, was another phase of the Topographical Amnesias project. The event was an architectural intervention which transformed a previously under-utilized space with airs of a trash dump. Architecture, landscaping and environmental reclaiming intermingle and worked as an urban set for the theater play. Topographical Amnesias is part of a long research by Vazio S/A on urban voids, the body, events and art performances.

Vazio S/A によるその他のプロジェクト

Vila Del Rey house
Nova Lima, Brazil
Gaia Environment Museum
Gaia, Portugal
The Other, the Same
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Exhibition at Pace Gallery
Belo Horizonte, Brazil
1000 Kids
Ribeirão das Neves, Brazil