- 2009
- The Pecha Kucha Night
- India
New Delhi Presented (March 2009)
- 2009
- Mid-term appraisal of the 11th 5 Year plan organized by the Planning Commission
- India
presented lecture (Nov.2009)
- 2009
- DELHIBERATIONS – 080 TRANSFORM at India Habitat Centre
- India
New Delhi Org. by InCite, Bangalore, presented lecture on our practice (July 2009)
- 2009
- Open LECTURE SERIES – themed, ‘architecture: processes’ at Sushant School of Art and Architecture in
- India
presented lecture (Sept. 2009)
- 2008
- The Spring Lecture Series at Royal Institute of British Architects
- Groot Britannië
London, presented lecture on our practice (Feb 2008)
- 2006
- Design Studio at School of Planning and Architecture
- India
New Delhi Visiting faculty since August 2006