BCQ Library Wins Premi Ciutat de Barcelona

John Hill | 4. februari 2015
Photo: Ariel Ramirez

Barcelona's City Council awards the Premis Ciutat de Barcelona annually, with the aim of recognizing quality in creation, research and production by artists in the city in various categories (Theatre, Dance, Music, Visual Arts, Literature, etc.). In awarding the prize to the library, the jury* in the Architecture and Urbanism category said, "It is an intervention that improves the conditions of the street and makes the connection to the garden of Vil·la Florida. The interior is fragmented creating areas of human scale size, comfortable and well lit, with useful patios that allow privacy in a public place. The work reflects a way of doing very proper to the Barcelona style."

*The jury was composed of Jordi Badia (President), David Bravo, Giovanna Carnevalli, Meritxell Inaraja and Ramon Vilalta.

Photo: Ariel Ramirez

Visit BCQ arquitectura barcelona's profile on World-Architects to see more of the Library Joan Maragall.

Photo: Ariel Ramirez

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