FAD Architecture Award Winners

John Hill | 20. november 2023
Reggio School by Andrés Jaque / Office for Political Innovation (Photo: José Hevia)

The winners of this year's FAD Architecture Awards — the 65th edition, making it the oldest architecture award in Europe — were announced in October, after the 458 submitted works were narrowed down by the jury to 22 finalists. The jury decided to award the prize ex aequo because the two projects “are excellent works, complementary in nature, representative of a broad spectrum of contemporary architecture. In both projects, the research and citizen participation processes are valued as part of the design. Based on classic Mediterranean typologies — the porch, the agora, the courtyard — both aim to be a kind of social condenser, offering different ways of experiencing architecture, responding, in efficient ways, to the challenges of society and the present time.”

The Reggio School, featured in our Magazine back in January, was praised for its “expressive joy.” The jury further said that the design by Andrés Jaque / Office for Political Innovation “hardly leaves anyone indifferent and challenges society regarding the importance of education in ecological values, as well as in the shared responsibility and personal experience of the students.”

SUMA Arquitectura's Gabriela García Márquez Library in Barcelona's Sant Martí neighborhood, featured in our Magazine in March, was praised for the way it “deploys a series of complex spatial operations to create a great diversity of spaces and programs.”

Gabriela García Márquez Library by SUMA Arquitectura (Photo: Jesús Granada)

Visit “Los ganadores de los Premios FAD 2023” on Spanish-Architects to see the winners in the Interior Design, City and Landscape, and other FAD categories.

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