Vectorworks Design Scholarship

John Hill | 12. juli 2019
"Open Pocket," a 2017 Vectorworks Design Scholarship winning design by Ningxin Cheng and Kalen McNamara from Rice University (Image courtesy of Vectorworks)

Designers who have graduated no earlier than 2017 with an acceptable design-oriented degree* are eligible, as are students pursuing an acceptable degree in undergraduate or graduate studies at an accredited college or university. 

Round one consists of four $3,000 Vectorworks Design Scholarships in these categories: Architecture, Landscape Design, Entertainment Design, and Interior Design. Those winners, who also receive free Vectorworks design software for their school, advance to compete for the Richard Diehl Design Award (named for the founder of Vectorworks, Inc.), which awards $7,000 to the winner and comes with professional networking opportunities, media exposure (including a story in our Magazine!) and other benefits.

Eligible projects will be judged on design, technology, concept and originality, presentation, and writing. Projects don't have to be created in Vectorworks software, though computer drawings or models are preferred over hand drawings. Individuals and groups of up to six can apply.

Registration is free and submission is simple. Visit the Vectorworks Design Scholarship website for more information and to submit your work before the end of August. And check back here in October to see the winning projects.

Image courtesy of Vectorworks

*The acceptable design degrees are diverse and extensive: architecture, interior design, facilities management, home builder/remodeler/design-build, M/E/P, space planning, and structural engineering, audio/visual, event planning, exhibition design, lighting design, scenic design, and TV/film, land planning, landscape architecture, landscape design, landscape design/build, and nursery, manufacturing, furniture design, industrial design, machine design, and woodworking.

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