World-Architects, at Home and Online
The World-Architects staff has been working from home since last week — in China, Japan, the United States, Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. In the face of an unprecedented international crisis, we see this as doing our part to improve the situation.
When the first reports of the novel coronavirus popped at the very end of 2019, it all seemed far away. What our colleagues and associates initially reported to us from China — and soon from all over East Asia — impressed us, but it was still difficult to imagine it would make its way to us so soon afterwards. Today we know better: COVID-19 has arrived in Europe, the continent even becoming the focus of the pandemic.
Everyone needs to do their part to slow the spread of the virus, so since last week we have been making our small contribution and working from home. By now everyone knows the people who would be at risk if they were infected, if the virus spreads. Henceforth, the entire World-Architects team — from New York to Tokyo — is working from their home offices.
Now everyday life has to be rearranged and reorganized; we have to make provisions for an unknown duration. This is not easy, especially when children, home from schools that are closed, need to be supervised. But it is a necessary inconvenience that pales in comparison to the work of the doctors, nurses, and others dealing directly with the virus.
So in the coming days — and most likely weeks — we will do what we do best: work online. The whole team remains fully accessible via email and phone, as everyone continues to work at full steam and with the usual enthusiasm.
We also see our time at home as an opportunity to reflect and refocus, and to develop new ideas and conceive new projects. Of course it is also an opportunity to spend more time with our partners and children.
All our international magazines will continue to appear with their usual frequency. We will continue to keep you apprised of the latest headlines, show inspiring projects, and dive deep into important topics.
Take care of yourself and above all stay healthy!