Opificio Golinelli


The studio conducts multidisciplinary research, giving form to the encounter of types of knowledge and creating an ongoing dialogue between architectural theory and practice; composition is conceived as a dynamic relationship between theme and program, experiencing the relation with form and concentrating on aspects connected with the metaphor of composition, moving towards an ideal of quality that combines the environment with a positive vision of reality.

Their works have been presented at London Festival of Architecture 2008, at Shanghai Universal Expo and at the XII, XV and XVI International Architecture Exhibition of the Venice Biennale. They tenured several lectures both in Italy and Europe. Works and projects are published in various books, architectural reviews and exhibition catalogues. Their first monograph diverserighestudio / casalogica is published in january 2013 by Forma Edizioni, with a critical essay of Luca Molinari.

Some of their most important awards are the Sustainable Architecture International Prize 2007, the Honourable Mention at the Arches Prize 2008, the Tiles of Italy Prize 2014, the Urbanistica Prize 2015; they are among the finalists at Renzo Piano Foundation Prize 2013, and they have been shortlisted at the Inarch Prize III, IV and V edition. In 2016 they received the Special Mention at the A+ Award and at the The Plan Award, they have been shortlisted at the PIDA Piranesi Award and they received the nomination at the Mies Van Der Rohe Award.

Contact this office

  • Architekci
Bologna, Italy