A Concrete Jewel in Zurich

John Hill | 25. janeiro 2016
Photo: Roman Keller

In addition to the extension, Christ & Gantenbein's work included the renovation of the 1898 building designed by Gustav Gull, some of it completed in 2009 and some of it to commence next year. The extension will open to the public later in the year, so for the time being it is an empty concrete shell, as depicted in these photos by Roman Keller.

Model of 1898 building by Gustav Gull and 2016 extension by Christ & Gantenbein (Photo: John Hill/World-Architects)
Photo: Roman Keller
Photo: Roman Keller
Photo: Roman Keller
Photo: Roman Keller
Photo: Roman Keller
Photo: Roman Keller

Check back soon for more coverage on the Swiss National Museum extension by Christ & Gantenbein.

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