'After Belonging' Opens in Oslo
John Hill | 8. setembro 2016
Modes of Movement by Ruimteveldwerk (Pieter Brosens,Brecht Van Duppen, Sander Van Duppen, Lene Beelen, Pieter Cloeckaert)
Taking aim at the refugee crisis and issues of migration, among other things, the 2016 Oslo Architecture Triennale, which opens to the public today under the theme After Belonging, asks, "Where do we belong? How can architects intervene in the reconfiguration of the contemporary residence?"
Under the direction of the "After Belonging Agency," the 2016 Oslo Architecture Triennale (OAT) is divided into two distinct parts:
- A triennale On Residence, in which to collectively analyze the spatial conditions that shape our ways of staying in transit and the definition of our contemporary spaces of residence. On Residence is structured around five areas: Technologies of a Life in Transit, Furnishing After Belonging, Markets and Territories of the Global Home, Borders Elsewhere, and Sheltering Temporariness. The On Residence exhibition takes place at the Norwegian Centre for Design and Architecture DOGA.
- A triennale In Residence, in which international architects and professionals concerned with the built environment will engage in local collaborations in Oslo, the Nordic region, and around the globe, to intervene in the transformation of residence. Examples include an apartment in Copenhagen rented through digital sharing platforms, an asylum seekers’ reception center in Oslo, a personal cubicle in a self storage facility in New York City, and an Italian textile factory in one of the biggest Chinatowns in Europe. The In Residence exhibition takes place at National Museum - Architecture.
OAT also consists of the After Belonging conference, being held this Saturday at the Olso Opera House, and numerous lectures, conferences, seminars, exhibitions, and tours in their extended program. OAT runs until 27 November 2016.
The "After Belonging Agency": Lluís Alexandre Casanovas Blanco, Ignacio G. Galán, Carlos Mínguez Carrasco, Alejandra Navarrete Llopis and Marina Otero Verzier