GSA Selects Page\Park for Mackintosh Restoration

John Hill | 31. março 2015
Photo: Courtesy of Glasgow School of Art

Close to one year after the Mackintosh Building at GSA was "bruised and battered but most certainly not destroyed" when a fire spread following an exploding projector in the school's basement, the school selected Page\Park Architects of Glasgow based on their "extensive track record in both restoring and reinvigorating major historic buildings," per a statement from the GSA. These historic buildings include those designed by Mackintosh, including Hill House, the Lighthouse in Glasgow, and work on the School of Art itself.

Professor Tom Inns, Director of The Glasgow School of Art, is quoted in the statement:

The team assembled by Page\Park Architects impressed us not only with their deep knowledge of the building, but of the wider work of Charles Rennie Mackintosh. They also bring an understanding of the building’s particular importance to Glasgow – its people and history – as well as of its status as an international design icon. Page\Park Architects have ongoing relationships with key crafts specialists and artists in Scotland and wider afield, and presented exciting proposals for expanding the legacy of the restoration by working with a new generation of creative talent.

Page\Park indicated they will establish an external expert advisory panel for the restoration, the details of which are not yet known. Per the GSA's statement, "Work is expected to start on the building in spring 2016 with the aspiration that there will be academic access from 2017-18."

Page\Park bested the four other finalists, made up of Avanti Architects, John McAslan + Partners, LDN Architects, and Purcell.

"Page \ Park undertook a detailed analysis of the construction of a bay from the Mackintosh Library, including the creation of an accurate scale model." (Photo: Courtesy of Glasgow School of Art)

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