Stendardo Menningen Architectes
Maison de Quartier de Châtelaine - Balexert
Situated on a slight slope, the building is located in the center of a public park surrounded by several communal buildings. The image of the east entrance of the site has been requalified by the new construction whereas to the west, bleachers connect the building to the new esplanade.
The new community center located in the Châtelaine-Balexert seeks to preserve a logical continuity and preservation of the existing landscape as well as construct synergies with the surrounding buildings. This functional and spatial continuity along with the existing topography allows for an optimal distribution of the project and its spatial requirements. This strategy ensures a balance between the volumetric needs and the shape of the terrain shape forming a direct relationship.
The volume of the new community center twists and folds to satisfy the requirements of the site and allows for a natural openness towards the beautiful surrounding landscape. The new building thus increases the relationship between the interior and exterior by guaranteeing natural light optimal quality of the internal flow and movement. The spatial distribution expands and is no longer akin to the traditional corridor but becomes a space in its own right allowing for natural interaction.
The single-leveled building facilitates the connections and fluidity of the circulation, taking into consideration the needs of people with reduced mobility. To achieve this, the ground floor has two core areas on either side located at the end of each activity rooms.
The roof of the building has 4 sides. The front cover of the main entrance offers a protected area. Access to the technical rooms located in the basement can be reached from the outside, retaining its functional independence. The office of the educators and community center administrators are located near the entrance.
The new structure seeks to reflect a contemporary public building through its articulated volume as well as through its wooden structure.