
John Hill | 17. 一月 2017
All photographs courtesy of Partisans

We learned about Gweilo at Azure Magazine, which visited Partisan's Toronto studio to learn about how Josephson and Shropshire make the gorgeous lights in-house:

Using a thermoforming process, Josephson and his team take optical-grade acrylic sheets and heat them to nearly 400 degrees, until the plastic becomes pliable. They then hand-sculpt the panes, forming beautiful waves and bends that set in place as the plastic cools. The panels, which are embedded with a fine-spun grid of tiny LED bulbs, are then placed in a custom-made extrusion.

Gweilo is being launched at the Interior Design Show, which starts on Wednesday in Toronto, where it is sure to garner lots of attention.



schoch-tavli architekten

Sanierung Altes Pfarrhaus Altnau
