2019 MPavilion Gifted to University of Melbourne

John Hill | 3. 六月 2020
MPavilion 2019, Glenn Murcutt, Queen Victoria Gardens (Photo: Rory Gardiner)

The news of Murcutt's wing-like design being given to the University of Melbourne comes when the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting the timing of installations, exhibitions and other gatherings, architectural or otherwise. In turn, Naomi Milgrom, founder of the Naomi Milgrom Foundation and client for the pavilions, has announced that in lieu of a new 2020 MPavilion, the six previous MPavilions will be used in their relocated settings to "deliver an amplified new program" from November 2020 to March 2021. 

Milgrom said in a statement, "By being resourceful and re-using our permanent MPavilion locations, MPavilion will play a meaningful new role in helping to revitalize our neighborhoods with the work of artists and designers." The foundation is putting out expressions of interest on its website, seeking artists and designers to respond to a handful of themes, with funding of up to $5,000 for the projects selected.

The six MPavilions

Since the inaugural MPavilion in 2014 designed by Sean Godsell, the structures have been relocated in and around Melbourne following their four months of programming in Queen Victoria Gardens. Godsell's operable box went to the Hellenic Museum; Amanda Levete's canopy of petals was moved to the Docklands; Bijoy Jain's bamboo structure was given to the Melbourne Zoo; and Rem Koolhaas and David Gianotten raised metallic grid was moved to Monash University. Only Carme Pinós's origami-like wood structure from 2018 is awaiting a new location, which should be announced in the summer.

MPavilion 2014, Sean Godsell, modified Hellenic Museum (Photo: Simon Terrill)
MPavilion 2015, Amanda Levete, Docklands (Photo: Simon Terrill)
MPavilion 2016, Bijoy Jain, Melbourne Zoo (Photo: Simon Terrill)
MPavilion 2017, Rem Koolhaas and David Gianotten, Monash University (Photo: Simon Terrill)
MPavilion 2018, Carme Pinós, Queen Victoria Gardens (Photo: Simon Terrill)
