Carme Pinós's MPavilion Unveiled

John Hill | 1. 七月 2018
Image: Estudio Carme Pinós, courtesy of Naomi Milgrom Foundation

Pinós, the head of Barcelona's Estudio Carme Pinós, was selected to design the 2018 MPavilion in February, right after the 2017 MPavilion, designed by Rem Koolhaas and David Gianotten of OMA, wrapped up its four-month run.

Pinós describes her design as "a protected space for social activities within the city but also a place to experience with all the senses." Made of origami-like planes of latticed timber bent to form roofs, the "pavilion establishes a relationship with nature and the surrounding park, where [visitors] will feel the sun’s path through the game of shadows created by the pavilion’s skin."

Image: Estudio Carme Pinós, courtesy of Naomi Milgrom Foundation

The wood surfaces, framed by a metal structure, covers three mounds with tiered seating. Visitors will, in Pinós's words, "be inside the pavilion, but always feeling as if [they] are also on a balcony facing nature, and connecting with the surrounding community."

Coinciding with the release of design images is a call for expressions of interest for programming events during the MPavilion's four-month run. MPavilion will host over 400 free events, talks, workshops, performances, installations and more, "with an increased number developed from public proposals in line with MPavilion’s intention as a civic space and cultural laboratory." Submission guidelines can be found on the MPavilion website.

Image: Estudio Carme Pinós, courtesy of Naomi Milgrom Foundation
