International Highrise Award 2012

John Hill
19. 十一月 2012
Photograph courtesy of International Highrise Award

Since 2004 the City of Frankfurt, with Deutsches Architekturmuseum and DekaBank, has been giving out The International Highrise Award every two years. This year's winner is the 1 Bligh Street office building in Sydney, designed by Germany's ingenhoven architects. The 139-meter-tall (456-feet) elliptical tower with full-height atrium beat out a strong list of competitors, which included Frank Gehry's 8 Spruce Street in New York City and MAD Architects' Absolute Towers outside Toronto. A special commendation was given to the Deutsche Bank towers in Frankfurt/Main designed by Mario Bellini Architects with gmp · Architekten von Gerkan, Marg und Partner.

Photograph courtesy of International Highrise Award

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