Julien Lanoo
The Jan Michalski Foundation for Writing and Literature
Julien Lanoo | 6. 二月 2018
Photo: Julien Lanoo
The Jan Michalski Foundation was originally imagined as a small community sheltered beneath a canopy and completely surrounded by nature, an inspirational setting at the foot of the Jura Mountains in Switzerland. Today it offers a unique communal venue that is turned outward to the world at large: a place where writers, artists, and the public come together.
Photo: Julien Lanoo
Visit Julien Lanoo's profile to see more of his photographs of the Jan Michalski Foundation for Writing and Literature, which was designed by Mangeat Wahlen Architectes Associés and includes "treehouse" residences for writers designed by Alejandro Aravena, Rintala Eggertsson, and others.
Photo: Julien Lanoo