Reading from Architecture Books

John Hill | 5. Mai 2022
Photo: Screenshot from video on The Turn of the Century. A Reader about Architecture in Europe 1990-2020

The videos feature readings by Spazio's Mariana Siracusa accompanied by spreads from inside the books. The readings are in English and most of the featured books are fairly new, but some of the books are published in multiple languages and older titles appear now and then among the recently published book. It's a diverse collection of readings that are enjoyable and informative, with dozens of them made over the last year or so. Find them on the Spazio Projects YouTube channel.

A few recent highlights from Spazio Projects are embedded below.

A text by Adrian Forty from The Turn of the Century. A Reader about Architecture in Europe 1990-2020 edited by Matthias Sauerbruch and Louisa Hutton
Vitruvius Without Text. The Biography of a Book by André Tavares
Miami in the 1980s. The Vanishing Architecture of a "Paradise Lost" edited by Charlotte von Moos (see also: our Found on the same book)

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