Photo © ph. Paolo Riolzi
Photo © ph. Paolo Riolzi
Photo © ph. Paolo Riolzi
Photo © ph. Paolo Riolzi
Photo © ph. Paolo Riolzi
Photo © ph. Paolo Riolzi
Photo © ph. Paolo Riolzi
Photo © ph. Paolo Riolzi


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Piazza Adriano Olivetti, 20100 Milan, Italy

Fibercloud, the luminous sculpture that lights up Piazza Adriano Olivetti in Milan

Designed by the architect Giuseppe Tortato, and created exclusively for Fastweb’s new Milan HQ, Fibercloud is a glowing sculpture created with 200 meters of luminous LED tubing that develops vertically, connecting every level of the building from the entrance hall to the topmost floor, where the boardroom is located. It was developed through parametric software with which each element and curvature was checked. Each element was created manually and involved the hand-bending of the approximately 100 pieces that make up the entire length of luminous tubing. Finally, the creation of the entire sculpture was completed thanks to the close collaboration between Tortato and Fastweb's Real Estate Development team, with which a stimulating empathy developed during the design process.

Other Projects by Giuseppe Tortato Architetti

Il Refettorio
Venezia, Italy
Arcadia Center
Milan, Italy
Tettoia NGC Medical
Turate, Italy
La Forgiatura Campus
Milano, Italy
Varesina 204
Milano, Italy