BRIEF: Company representation, consideration of the existing building structure, urban integration.

ADDED VALUE: Company headquarters in the inner city usually form blind spots, unattractive to the public and desolate after office hours. Therefore, the design is not understood as an architectural but as an urban task with the aim of maximizing public space on the building lot. With a number of plazas, a direct footpath from the main train station and the inner city and the integration of external uses, the area becomes more attractive to the public. The demand for maximum public use and communication dictates the internal organization of the building.

The annex occupies two blocks of late 19th-century city fabric, and provides a new interpretation of the typical perimeter development with its semi-public and leafy courtyards. The urban sequence of expansions and squares is extended by a perron and a plaza evolving from it. Existing and new buildings are connected by the “boulevard” which consists of a transparent level hosting seminar areas, a restaurant, a cafeteria, meeting rooms, and other communication areas. The boulevard floats above the various garden spaces inside the building block, and connects the office spaces, eventually opening up at the main entrance and the head office, offering a representative face to the street.


Building construction
volume gfa 29.050 m²

100.600 m³

AachenMünchener Versicherung AG represented by Generali Deutschland Immobilien GmbH


1st prize 2005

Project managers
Stefan Haass, Jascha Klusen

Jens Kirchner

Auszeichnung guter Bauten 2010 BDA Aachen
nomination Mies-van-der-Rohe award 2011

AachenMünchener HQ

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Aachen, Germany

Other Projects by kadawittfeldarchitektur 

Archeologogical Pavilion Elisengarten
Aachen, Germany
Mercedes Salzburg / Pappas Konzernzentrale
Salzburg, Austria
Nürnberg Fair
Nürnberg, Germany
Celtic Museum
Glauburg, Germany
Kindergarten Sighartstein
Sighartstein, Austria