For expansion of the company location in Gummersbach in Morsbach a modular construction company decided to build a new maintenance and assembly hall. With the dimensions of 126,00 x 61,00 x 11,00 m (l x w x h) the building is structured into three parts with a usable area of totaling 8.000 qm. Orientation of the building is the production processes, and the orientation of the external storage space modules owed. The three structures make the internal spatial features from the outside to read.

Administration and maintenance facility to lie down as a structural brace for a three-aisled assembly hall, the Profilbauglasfassaden as translucent curtain between tension and provide a generous light. Six large overhead doors make through their floor-length windows and the view outside. The construction of the hall is based on columns and beams made of precast elements. Since the supporting base plate is designed so that no additional machinery foundations are needed, a high flexibility of use is guaranteed.

The ventilated exterior wall of the hangar is clad in a curtain panel system made of black coated, insulated steel tape. The administrative part, also dressed in black metal. space consists of modules from our own production, thus creating a high degree of identification and presentation. A two-storey entrance marks the main entrance and is the volume of the body ausgeschniten, looks from here and also get you into the two-story foyer, which serves as a distributor.

Industrial building with office

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Lichtenberg, Germany

Other Projects by LHVH ARCHITEKTEN BDA Partnerschaft mbB Lohner Holschbach Voss 

Park Units
worldwide, Germany
exhibition concept for plan06
Cologne, Germany
Cologne, Germany
Kapelle Kömpel
Morsbach, Germany
Lüdenscheid, Germany