Schüco Welcome Forum
Bielefeld, Saksa, 2022
The design for Schüco’s new Welcome Forum results from a competition we won in March, 2018. The Welcome Forum is not an entirely new bui...
Haus B
Dreieich, Saksa, 2017
Haus B is located in in the town of Dreieich, within the vicinity of Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Here the house is embedded in a quite ty...
House H
Saksa, 2017
The design for a single-family house at the edge of a small town in the western part of Germany combines vernacular and contemporary form...
Haus K
Dreieich-Götzenhain, Saksa, 2013
Für ein Grundstück im Osten von Dreieich-Götzenhain, einer Kleinstadt im Umland von Frankfurt am Main, war ein Einfamilienhaus zu entwerf...
treehugger Pavilion
Saksa, 2011
The “treehugger”-pavilion was constructed for and exhibited at the National Garden Show (“BuGa”) in Koblenz, Germany, in summer 2011.It r...
CMPR. Central Mosque of Pristina
International open competition, 3rd Prize, 2013 The new Central Mosque has been intended to be one of the most important landmark-buildi...