梦 & 迷,别居·漓想国


Founded in 2017, Studio10 is an interdisciplinary architectural design practice based in Shenzhen, China with branch office in Hong Kong.

Studio 10 is committed to providing bespoke, high-quality architecture, interior, product as well as other creative design services.

Our team with highly diverse background has both global vision and profound understanding of the local culture.

Since its founding, Studio 10 has been featured widely by the press around the world, including CONDÉ NAST TRAVELLER, TIME, ELLE Décor, Diseño Interior, FRAME, Architectural Digest, AIT, Lufthansa Magazine, Luxury London, INTERIORS KOREA, BOB Magazine, That’s Shanghai, Wallpaper* China, Interior Design China, Interni magazine, IFDM, CUBES, Elle Decor India, Dezeen.com, Archdaily.com and countless more print and online media, as well as TV programs. Our project has been the Jury Winner and Special Mention project of the 2021 Architizer A+Awards, winner of ArchDaily Building of the Year 2019, Dezeen Awards’ Highly ReCommended Project of the year 2019, DFA Design for Asia Awards as well as the finalists for AIA Hong Kong 2020 Honors & Awards, ArchDaily China Building of the Year 2020, ArchDaily Building of the Year 2020, FRAME Social Award and INSIDE World Festival of Interiors, etc. In addition, Dream and Maze designed by Studio 10 has been selected to the List of the 2019 World's 100 Greatest Places by TIME magazine, published on the magazine cover.

Studio 10 | 深圳市十间设计咨询有限公司于2017年创立,是一家以建筑设计为主的多元化设计工作室,立足于深圳和香港两个座城市。

Studio 10致力于提供高度定制化,高品质的精品建筑、室内、产品及其他创意设计服务。工作室团队的背景高度分散,既具有国际视野,又对于本土文化有深刻的理解。

自成立以来,Studio 10获得了包括美国悦游杂志(CONDÉ NAST TRAVELLER),美国时代周刊(TIME),美国家居廊杂志(ELLE Decor),美国室内设计杂志中文版(Interior Design China),西班牙室内建筑杂志(Diseño Interior),荷兰FRAME杂志,德国建筑文摘(Architectural Digest),德国AIT杂志和汉莎航空杂志,英国Luxury London杂志,韩国INTERIORS杂志和BOB杂志,中国城市漫步杂志和卷宗杂志(Wallpaper*),意大利INTERNI杂志和IFDM杂志,新加坡CUBES杂志,印度家居廊杂志,Dezeen.com, Archdaily.com等全球各知名印刷、网络以及电视媒体的广泛关注及报道。Studio 10设计作品曾荣获2021 年美国Architizer A+ 设计大奖专业评审奖及特别提名奖,2020年中国建筑年度大奖十佳提名项目(ArchDaily),2019年度建筑大奖(ArchDaily),英国Dezeen 2019年度大奖高度赞扬项目,亚洲最具影响力设计大奖(DFA),荷兰FRAME 社会责任奖提名等荣誉,并入围美国建筑师学会(香港分会)荣誉奖(AIA Hong Kong 2020 Honors & Awards), 2020年度建筑大奖短名单(ArchDaily),世界室内设计节短名单(INSIDE World Festival)等全球各地权威设计大奖。此外,Studio 10 项目“梦. 迷”曾入选美国《时代周刊》评选的 2019 年世界百佳目的地名单并登载于杂志封面。

Contact this office

  • arkkitehdit
Shenzhen, China