Toyota's Woven Future

John Hill | 8. 1月 2020
Image courtesy of Toyota
Image courtesy of Toyota

The 175-acre "city" powered entirely by hydrogen fuel cells would function as a "living laboratory" where residents and researchers would be able to "test and develop technologies such as autonomy, robotics, personal mobility, smart homes and artificial intelligence in a real-world environment." The name Woven City refers to the three types of streets that would "weave together to form an organic grid pattern to help accelerate the testing of autonomy." One type would be for vehicles only, one park-like and therefore for pedestrians only, and the third would mix lower speed vehicles and pedestrians.

Image courtesy of Toyota

Toyota's reveal of Woven City at CES indicates an optimistic 2021 groundbreaking, with approximately 2,000 "Toyota Motor Corporation employees and their families, retired couples, retailers, visiting scientists, and industry partners" populating the laboratory-slash-city.

Watch a 90-second video with animated renderings of BIG and Toyota's Woven City:



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