Emerging Voices 2020

John Hill | 6. February 2020
Image: The Architectural League

Since 1982, the annual competition has spotlighted "North American individuals and firms with distinct design voices that have the potential to influence the disciplines of architecture, landscape architecture, and urban design."

This year's recipients were selected by a jury (Stella Betts, Mario Gooden, Mimi Hoang, Lisa Iwamoto, Dominic Leong, Paul Lewis, Matt Shaw, and Lisa Switkin) from around 50 submissions. The winners: 

  • Marc Blouin and Catherine Orzes of Blouin Orzes architectes in Montreal, Quebec
  • Brandon Dake and Andrew Wells of Dake Wells Architecture in Springfield and Kansas City, Missouri
  • Pavel Escobedo and Andrés Soliz of Escobedo Soliz in Mexico City, Mexico
  • Casper Mork-Ulnes of Mork Ulnes Architects in San Francisco, California, and Oslo, Norway
  • Olalekan Jeyifous in New York City
  • Miriam Peterson and Nathan Rich of Peterson Rich Office in New York City
  • Christopher Marcinkoski and Andrew Moddrell of PORT in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Chicago, Illinois
  • Bryan Young of Young Projects in New York City
Davis-Harrington Welcome Center in Springfield, Missouri, by Dake Wells Architecture (Photo: Gayle Babcock, Architectural Imageworks, LLC)

Each winner will lecture, in pairs, at 7pm on Thursdays in March at Scholastic’s Big Red Auditorium in Manhattan. Visit our Agenda for more information on the lectures:

Ridge House in Sonoma, California, by Mork Ulnes Architects (Photo: Bruce Damonte)

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